
When there's nothing to do, I read 'forwarded messages', category of emails I desgust the most. Don't read all, but some. It's important to be selective. Had one with those stupid personality tests. Took it. Result in italic, self-conscious in bold:

outgoing personality. check
takes risks. check
feeds on attention. sort of
no self control. not true
kind hearted. check (and I shouldn't sometimes)
self confident. not much
loud and boisterous. only when I'm excited!
VERY revengeful. not true
easy to get along with and talk to. hell yeah!
has an "everything's peachy" attitude. don't know
likes talking and singing. loves music. completely true
daydreamer. unfortunately
easily distracted. yeah!
Hates not being trusted. number one of the list
BIG imagination. HUUUUUGE!
loves to be loved. who doesn't?
hates studying. bullshit!
in need of "that someone". sure
longs for freedom. or not
rebellious when withheld or restricted. always
lives by "no pain no gain" caring. I wouldn't be balling, right?
always a suspect. of what?
playful. every single second
mysterious. or not
"charming" or "beautiful" to everyone. do I?!
stubborn. definetely no
curious. 100%
independent. can be
strong willed. hope so
a fighter. check

Do you agree? Your answer is really important to us. We would certainly appreciate your feedback. Please feel free to ask any questions.
Astrid S.- head of the program.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wish i knew you better to give you a better diagnosis...

Blogger CĂ©lia Spegel said...

"charming" or "beautiful" to everyone. Yes!!!


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