
So we got a puppy. A baby dog. It's a she. Not named yet. Weird one. Mixed of German Shepard with some other brand I can't remember the name. Short hair, black, brown, some drops of white. Weird. Today she completed 3 months. Her paws are huge. I see her in couple of months tumbling everything around.
The thing is that I don't think she's cute. I don't even like her. I didn't want her. But there were two against one. Didn't want to be the bad roommate. Then I let it go. But... come on! To train that pissy-shitty girl... uh! It will take sometime. For right now, she just chooses a certain spot and do it. Randomly. 'Free will' she might think. Most of the times she goes to the corner of the living room. And there goes Emily yelling, gets her and take it to the newspaper: 'right here! you piss right here!'. Laughing, I come and help. I do my part, you know. While she cleans it, I get the spray from the bathroom, and... voilá! The apartment at least smells better.
And there she comes to my room. Don't know what she sees or smells here. But she likes me. Don't know how. Maybe because I'm rough. You know that theory of women who likes macho men? They hit, they treat them the worse, but no, women don't quit them. So I guess because I don't treat her right, she might think I'm the 'leader', the 'one'. Who knows?! She learned already to stay out of my bedroom. She's allowed only to be at the door. The minute she crosses the line, I slam the door. After the third time, she quitted. Good girl! Fast learner for at least one fucking thing.
Believe me: I'm not a hater! Don't hate dogs. Actually, it's the opposite. Love them. It's just this one. I'm not really a fan of her. It could change. Or not...


Blogger Bowie said...

I love her!
(she´s pretty and funny)

muitos beijos!


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